Comments on: Why Won’t Georgia Legislature Investigate 2020 General Election Anomalies? Human Reporters • Not Machines Sun, 28 Feb 2021 15:02:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tracy Sun, 28 Feb 2021 15:02:35 +0000 WE can never stop demanding the truth- GA has NOT turned into a blue state- simply not true.

By: Cathy Carter Sat, 27 Feb 2021 04:30:30 +0000 I have not voted in over 10 years but last fall before the election we received well over 15 absentee ballot applications, was told I had to request one for it to be mailed?? Some were addressed to “current resident” just like junk mail. Several were addressed to my parents who have been dead several years & never lived anywhere near my address. In my 61 years I have never seen anything like the fiasco that this past year has rained down on us all. The majority of ALL politicians are compromised, either by bribery or blackmail. It is time for We The People to stop letting them divide us so we can address the real problem at hand.

By: Terry Wed, 17 Feb 2021 05:13:34 +0000 Steven is right. This would solve the problem.

By: Steven Thompson Tue, 16 Feb 2021 23:32:54 +0000 Americans in all states need to demand verified voter ID. And, ban the use of all computer based voting machines. And, specific ballots are generated by the voter using an ATM style ballot printing machine that bar codes all ballots traceable back to all voters.

By: Suzanne Sheppard-Joiner Tue, 16 Feb 2021 17:34:03 +0000 No Georgia did not go blue, it was stolen to be blue.
I know for a fact two family members and I sent in absentee ballots for our President Trump. They were never counted. I pray that the people involved in the counting of ballots and involved in hiding and destroying the ballots will never rest, and their conscience bother them so bad they find out selling your soul to Satan has to be paid back by satan. He is through with you for now, and his payback is hell.
No real Georgian would ever vote for Biden. ... I went to a town this morning about 35 miles away from my home I saw 42 flags for Trump. 🔴🔴🔴

By: Linden Tue, 16 Feb 2021 06:43:17 +0000 Yep... Try FL. I downloaded my state from True The Vote, looked all the counties in there, and mi e is full of ES&S machines (just as bad as Dominion). Some counties have Dominion.

I'm goi g to ask to meet with our new Supe of Elections to find out about these machines.

I think they tried to take FL, but the proTrump vote was just too big. Buy I still want to see it.

By: Joe Tue, 16 Feb 2021 03:00:35 +0000 How about we push for an audit in a red state that there is no debate that President Trump won. I bet we will find that there are plenty of "anomalies" and that president Trump in fact even won by a greater margin. Maybe that would serve to justify an audit in a blue state?

By: Viteye Tue, 16 Feb 2021 02:29:14 +0000 I am not a Georgia resident, I do see a lot of the film industry there now, and millions flooded the state with hollywood money. Both the democrats and republicans have that same corrupt self interest I see in other states.
It is easy to sellout a little bit at a time, but it ends up with the american citizen left to clean the mess up. I do find the self righteous indignation comical. There is a giant rotting corpse laying in the corner under a tarp. The elected officials expect everyone to ignore it. They don't wish to see the anger that is building in this country, but at their own peril.

By: Scrib Tue, 16 Feb 2021 00:50:28 +0000 Georgia is not blue. Republicans have a 5-8 point majority in the state and Trump won by several hundred thousand votes (at least) before the vote spikes and mystery tranches came into play in Fulton and DeKalb counties. Georgia rivals Nevada for most corrupt.

By: Betty Jean Mon, 15 Feb 2021 22:58:06 +0000 Georgia gone crooked by the "BLOW INS"FROM THE LIBERAL NORTHERN AREA's and the money paying the locals to turn their state blue... Happened in Virginia! MONEY just too inviting to some that do not care about their" COUNTRY"..... TRAITORS
